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Ghostly Hollywood Kingdoms Pound Paprika Into Overdrive
Production I.G. announced that the company is working on a Hollywood adaptation of Ghost in the Shell. Before the film could begin production, Production I.G. had to reach an agreement with the series' creator, Masamune Shirow, and publisher, Kodansha.
TOKYOPOP announced its acquisition of the Twelve Kingdoms (Juni Kokki) novels. The first novel is scheduled to hit stores in March 2007. The novel will be hard-bound with a suggested retail price of $16.99US.
Kodansha recently announced that Tsuyoshi Yasuda's OverDrive will receive an anime adaptation. No details about the series have been released.
The official American Paprika website has recently been updated. The film's theatrical release date, as well as a new trailer have been added to the site. Paprika will open in select theatres across America on May 25.