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Commentary on The Rocks
Though our long-empty Commentary section has become an Anime Dream mainstay, we the staff feel that it's time to stop pretending that we have nothing to say. That said, I'm happy to announce our official Grand Opening of the section, which you can find under "Articles" on our menu bar.
At opening we have three articles, each dealing in its own way with the anime habit itself — that which drives us to form online communities, attend conventions, and live in parents' basements. Scratch that last bit. I meant, "Live and work in top-secret, nuclear-blast-proof subterranean bunkers, protecting the world from aliens and Facebook." (The articles are linked below.)
Now that we've finally started giving our opinions (outside reviews), we'd love to hear yours. If you have a critique or suggestion for us, or would like to discuss fandom in general, please give our contact form or forums a whirl!
Thanks, as always, for reading us.