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Six New Reviews
It seems strangely appropriate that we finish off our review series of Princess Nine the same day that the World Series is to come to an end. We bring you reviews of volumes five and six of the series today, found here and here.
Next up, RPGuy brings us two reviews. For those craving samurai action, he brings us his volume 1 review of Bandai's Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran, found here. Also, for a touch of retro, he reviews the newly remastered release of Central Park Media's Project A-ko: Collector's Edition, found here.
Flying solo in this update is Puppet Princess, who brings us the second installment of her Steel Angel Kurumi review, which can be found here.
Finally, for the first time in quite a while, we have a reader review! Thanks to Hidoshi Nobunaga for submitting his review of the first volume of FLCL. Hidoshi's review can be found here.
That's it for this update, folks! Stay tuned for more of the best review and news you can find on the web!