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Otakon Friday News!
The first bit of Otakon news is in, with more forthcoming:
Right Stuf: They are in negotiations for several licenses so no new shows were announced. Those who are here at Otakon today (Saturday) will be the first to see Right Stuf's subtitle job of the last five episodes of His & Her Circumstances (the DVD of which is due out next month). They announced that Comic Party will be released in four volumes and will be out starting next spring. Finally, Gravitation is currently in dubbing, and will also be out starting next spring.
Pioneer Music: Aside from stressing that they have the Orguss 19 soundtrack, there were no major announcements. Pioneer mentioned that they would be releasing three soundtracks per month from now on, with the Serial Experiments Lain Cyberia Mix, the second Hellsing soundtrack, and the first X TV soundtrack coming out next month. Pioneer also talked with the audience about the state of the music industry, and about copy-protected discs (which the company does not currently use). They also mentioned that we can assume they have the Last Exile soundtrack, even though the papers haven't been signed.
Tofu Records: The Sony subsidiary discussed their mentality behind releasing their J-pop compilation CD (which features music from various Sony artists), and asked the audience some questions, such as where they got their J-pop information. The idea behind the J-pop CD was to appeal to anime fans and at the same time offer new material that they may not have heard before. TM Revolution also made an appearance, and said (in English) that he was very happy to be here, and to please attend his concert (which we, of course, will).
Stay tuned for more news from Friday and today's news!