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Reviews the Cat Dragged In
It's September, and you know what that means: Absolutely nothing! But we processed another boatload of reviews through customs anyway, just for you. That's how dedicated we are.
Making some logical attempt at grouping, the first 3 of 15 reviews we have for you are studio Ghibli movies that I personally swam to Japan to retrieve. It seems like Only Yesterday that I was braving the Ocean Waves to get these titles. I'll tell you the whole story when The Cat Returns. In the meantime, you can make with the clickage on the links you just passed over to access our top secret stash of information on the 3 movies.
The next five reviews are all about robots, and...other stuff that's like robots. I could tell you all about how people like exploiting a deity in Neo Ranga Volume 2, or how RahXephon is in the runnings with Evangelion for most convoluted story ever, with the addition of Volume 3 and Volume 4; but it'll be easier for the both of us if you just click the links. For squishy cute robot action, be sure to check out our hot XXX pictures (which are neither particularly XXX nor particularly visible) from Volume 3 of Chobits. If that's not enough to drive you wild, get a load of the third collector's box of Saber Marionette J.
Moving on, we have a certain teacher learning the lessons of love, in Please Teacher Volume 2. Then the festivities break out in celebration of the ending (if you want to call it that) of His & Her Circumstances in Volume 5.
But that's not all! If samurai and Kung Fu wielding restaraunt owners are what you crave, look no further than Volume 4 of Tsukikage Ran and a nice little set of OVAs called Spirit of Wonder. For the latter, AnimEigo released the first OVA, titled Miss China's Ring in the year 2000, and Bandai released the other OVAs just recently.
In case that's still not enough for you, let me direct you to our game room, where you can see .hack//SIGN Volume 2 in action. If that doesn't strike your fancy, how about being set on fire by Witch Hunter Robin for 5 episodes? Bet you'd like that!
(Angelo, Puppet Princess, Yushiro, Tsukasa, and RPGuy contributed reviews for this update.)
...until next time, may the robots be with you.