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Reading is FUN For Viz and Its Onegai Friends
Viz has announced that they have created a partnership between themselves and Reading is Fundamental, Inc. Through this partnership, RiF will make Viz's graphic novel line available to schools, libraries, and year-round reading programs.
Viz has announced that they will be releasing the graphic novels for Case Closed (Detective Conan), Beyblade, and Kare First Love. All three titles will be released in August with Beyblade holding a suggested retail price of $7.99 US, while Case Closed and Kare First Love will retail for $9.95 US.
FUNimation has announced that they plan to release their first line of DVD Singles on June 15, 2004. Holding a retail price of $3.99, each 3" DVD will contain a single episode and a sticker. The current planned launch series are Dragon Ball GT and Yu-Gi-Oh!.
According to Dengeki Animanga Magazine, a third "Onegai" teacher has been announced. Titled Onegai Friends, very little is known as to whether this series will be an anime, or released in some other format.