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Happy Expanding Ciels
According to Anime on DVD, L'Arc~en~Ciel is scheduled to perform at Otakon this year. The show is expected to begin at is July 31, 2004 at 5PM. The band is known to many anime fans by its contribution of Driver's High: Great Teacher Onizuka's opening theme.
In the June 21 edition of Video Business, Geneon is currently expanding from their Long Beach, CA home office. Geneon is currently preparing to add offices in Minneapolis and New York. Supposedly, the Minneapolis offices will be opened to keep a closer tie to Best Buy, and the New York offices will open so Geneon can bring the company closer to Cartoon Network and MTV.
Animate TV is currently hosting the trailer for Happy Lesson's final OVA series. The trailer is in Windows Media format, and can be downloaded via both broadband and dial-up connections.